This article will cover, at a high level, the steps required to create a new site and implement it for a given client. This article does not cover things like AWS server architecture, file storage procedures, or permissions. This information can be found in the corresponding document related to the specifications and capabilities of the deployment manager.
Click “Add Company” and fill in company details:
FOR BLUETENT: The Company moniker will be 4 characters beginning with the letter n. Please use the Moniker checker HERE to confirm that there is no duplicate.
Website name
This is the visual admin display name for the site
The channel URL/ID
This does not configure the actual location/DNS of the website. Rather, this acts as a unique pointer/ID for this given channel. Often times the URL is a convenient value.
Cart Abandonment/Campaign Monitor Lead setup:
Booking confirmation redirect URL. <ADD WHERE TO FIND THIS>
At the very bottom of the modal, click “Add Website”: