If you are an existing Bluetent client and are switching Property Management Software systems, Bluetent needs to be officially notified to make sure that the appropriate teams can work with you to get you re-contracted for the migration to your new software provider and so that we can make sure that all of your Bluetent products and services are switched over by the respective teams. See the information below for more information.

  1. Fill out migration typeform to notify Bluetent of your migration plans so that we are sure that all of your Bluetent products and services get migrated to your new software provider

  2. We will need you to sign a new contract for each Bluetent product/service indicating the migration from your old software to your new software.

  3. Establish a connection to your data on the new software and distribute your property data to Bluetent.

    1. Click here for web instructions

    2. Click here for Boost instructions

  4. Share contact info for the implementation specialist at your new software provider with Bluetent.

  5. You must maintain a connection to your old software, as well as your new software, for the entirety of the migration project.

  6. Any Bluetent product you are using will require a separate migration

  7. DO NOT DISCONNECT your old software connection until advised to do so by Bluetent

    1. You will need to run both software systems in tandem for the duration of the migration

  8. Confirm that your new software has full and complete fees, taxes, availability, photos, amenities, payment processing, etc. Essentially be sure to have everything configured to go live with your new system before we start the migration.

  9. QA your Bluetent product after the migration to ensure completeness and accuracy of your data.

  10. Expect to meet with your Bluetent implementation specialist before, and after, the migration to sort out any details, issues, and questions.

  11. Bluetent will provide you a list of your listings from your old software matched to units in your existing software. At that time, please indicate to your Bluetent implementation specialist if you have new properties that you want bookable, or properties from your old system that you no longer manage.