Contact Us/Rental Inquiry Transactional Emails


Like Sharing, you’ll have set up BTLeads two different ways on a RezFusion Pro site or Cloud site.

BTLeads Transactional

  1. Log into your client’s CM.

  2. Head to Transactional.

  3. Click the Create a new email green button.

  4. Name the email: Ex. Confirmation Email For Contact Us Form

  5. Subject Line: Thanks for Contacting Us (or any other subject line you want to use)

  6. Who is it from?

    1. Name: client name

    2. Email: client email

  7. Add Recipients to list: Don’t add to a list

  8. Build your email →

  9. Click on my templates on the left hand side and select your Template

  10. Add your pre-header text and pre-header information.

  11. Add anything else you would like to see in this email

  12. Review everything and make sure it looks correct and click Preview →, then I'm done, return to snapshot →

  13. When you’re finished, click Finish

  14. Ignore the Ready to start triggering popup and click Transactional in your breadcrumb.

  15. Repeat these steps for any other transactional email you want to set up.

BTLeads Lists/Segments

  1. In Campaign Monitor, head to your main list and create new custom fields to match the questions in your various forms. (Note from Matt: I only include Form Type so I know how the subscriber joined. If you want to include any other custom fields to map to the list, that’s up to you.)
    Here are a few fields that you may want to include:

    1. Subject - text

    2. Message - text

    3. Form Type - text

    4. Arrival Date  - date

    5. Departure Date - date

    6. Property - text

    7. Page Path - text
      Don’t worry about the email field since it is already a field in CM.

  2. In CM, click on your breadcrumb to go back to the Main List. It’s a good idea to create a segment to see all of your subscribers from the various forms.

BTLeads RezFusion Sites

BTLeads RezFusion Sites: List

  1. Log into your client’s website in one tab and Campaign Monitor in another tab.

  2. Before starting, it’s best to find out what forms your client has on their website. So, on their website head to the top rezFusion bar: Structure → Entityform Types

    1. There will be 3 main forms: Contact, Vacation Rental Inquiry, Newsletter Sign up.  There may be more, so take a quick look at all of the forms and determine what forms you want to link to CM and what forms you may want to add the email opt-in option. Some forms would be silly to add this, so it’s good to take a second and think about it.

  3. Determine which form you want to start with. I normally start with Contact Us, and head to that form on the site.

    1. You can get there by selecting the Submit Link next to the form name on the Entityform Types page.

    2. Or you can find it by going back to the site and heading to the specific form page.

    3. If you know which lead forms you’ll be adding, you can go to Structure → Bluetent ESP Lead Forms and add them this way.

  4. Click Add NEW Lead Form ESP Integration on your form.

  5. Name it: contact_us_list, or whatever form you are linking

  6. List Opt-In Model: Opt-In

  7. Option Text: I'd like to receive exclusive email updates on OBX vacation properties and events.
    (or whatever text you would like to use)

  8. Form Data Source: Entityform

  9. Target ESP: Campaign Monitor

  10. SAVE

  11. Now, click Edit contact_us_list ESP Integration

  12. API Key: Client API found under Client Settings in CM. Once replaced, click anywhere into the white space and let the form update.

  13. List ID: Client List API found under lists in CM. Once replacedm click into the white space and let the form update.

  14. Now you need to Map Drupal Fields to ESP List Demographics:

    1. Email Address / Subscriber ID: Field: Email

      Name: Field: Name

      Subject: Field: Subject

      Message: Field: Message
      Note from Matt: Make sure to include Form Type. I usually only do Email and Form Type.

  15. SAVE

BTLeads RezFusion Sites: Transactional

  1. Click Add NEW Lead Form ESP Integration again

  2. Name: contact_us_transactional, or whatever naming convention you’re using

  3. List Opt-In Model: No Option (auto add)

  4. Form Data Source: Entityform

  5. Target ESP: Campaign Monitor Transactional Email

  6. SAVE

    Open the Share Listing again and Edit CM contact_us_transactional ESP Integration

    API Key: paste the API found under Client Settings. Once replaced, click into the white space and let the form update.

  7. Smart Email Template: Match this to the Transactional you set up in Campaign Monitor.

    1. Ex: Confirmation Email For Contact Us Form

  8. Now you will need to map the drupal fields to match the fields being used in your email. Here are some examples:

    1. Email Address/Subscriber ID: Field: Email

    2. Properties: Field: Properties

    3. Comments/Requests: Field: Comments / Requests

    4. ArriveDate: Field: Arrive

    5. DepartDate: Field: Depart

    6. Adults: Field: Adults

    7. Children: Field: Children

  9. SAVE

  10. Now you need to test! Remember that these forms are going to go straight to the client, so be sure to make it clear that you are a Bluetent employee and only testing the forms.

    1. You will normally want to do 2 tests to make sure the email that comes through to your inbox and looks good AND to make sure your subscribe options work correctly.

  11. Repeat these steps for any other forms you need to connect. :)

  12. And if everything is all set for all the forms and they are connecting correctly, you are all done! Just remember to delete all of your test emails from CM! You don’t want tons of emails being sent to you because you forgot.

BTLeads Cloud Sites

  1. NOTE: If your Contact Us or Vacation Rental Inquiry webform comes with a Newsletter Signup checkbox already on there, you’ll want to go ahead and remove that and create the Signup checkbox like we normally would. To delete the one that is already on the site head to:

    1. Your Nugget Dashboard

    2. Content → Webforms

    3. Find the Webform you want to edit and click on the top pencil to edit.

    4. Once you are on the editing page for the webform find the Webform in the nav, select this.

    5. You will be taken directly to the Form Components.

    6. Find newsletter sign up.

    7. Select Delete under the Operations column.

  2. Log into your client's website and head to the Nugget Dashboard.

  3. In the top Nav, hover your mouse over Structure and select Bluetent ESP Lead Forms.

This page shows all of the form configurations on the site. From the newsletter sign up to all types of Sharing. You will need to create all new form configurations; you cannot use the forms that are already on there. Whenever they do an update to the cloud, all of your configurations will be lost if you edit what is currently there. With that in mind...

4. In the top-right hand corner, select the blue Add button.

We will build two types of configuration for each form you are working on: List and Transactional. Let’s start with List…

BTLeads Cloud Sites: List

5. Administrative Title: contact_us_list (or whatever naming convention you’re using)

6. Form ID/Pattern: This will automatically fill in once you have saved your form.

a. Note: If you create a new integration through the BT ESP Lead Forms in the Dashboard, this will not fill in automatically. If you go directly to the form that you would like to build and create the ESP Integration from there, this automatically fills in. If this does not automatically fill in:

i. Newsletter Sign Up: webform_client_form_1
ii. Contact Us: webform_client_form_2
iii. Vacation Rental Inquiry: webform_client_form_3

7. List Opt-In Model: Opt-In

8. Option Text: I'd like to receive exclusive email updates on OBX vacation properties and events.
(or whatever text you would like to use)

a. If your client has a Privacy Policy on their site, you’ll also want to make a note about that.

i. Ex: By checking this box you are accepting our <a href="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>

9. Form Data Source: Webform

10. Target ESP: Campaign Monitor

11. SAVE

12. Find the configuration you were just working on in the list and select Edit on the right-hand side. You’ll need to finish setting up the configuration.

13. API Key: Fill in your client’s API Key from under Client Settings in Campaign Monitor. Once added click into the white space and let the form update.

14. List ID: Fill in the list id from Campaign Monitor. Once added click into the white space and let the form update.

15. Map your fields with Campaign Monitor. (Note from Matt: I only include Form Type so I know how the subscriber joined. If you want to include any other custom fields to map to the list, that’s up to you.) Here are a few examples:

a. Email Address / Subscriber ID: Email
b. First Name: First Name
c. Last Name: Last Name
d. Message: Message/Comments
e. Page Path: Page Path

16. SAVE

BTLeads Cloud Sites: Transactional

  1. Now that your list is all set, you’re going to do this again for the transactional configuration. Once again, click the blue Add button in the top right-hand corner.

  2. Administrative Title: contact_us_transactional (or whatever naming convention you’re using)

  3. Form ID/Pattern: This will automatically fill in once you have saved your form.

    1. Note: If you create a new integration through the BT ESP Lead Forms in the Dashboard, this will not fill in automatically. If you go directly to the form that you would like to build and create the ESP Integration from there, this automatically fills in. If this does not automatically fill in:

      1. Newsletter Sign Up: webform_client_form_1

      2. Contact Us: webform_client_form_2

      3. Vacation Rental Inquiry: webform_client_form_3

  4. List Opt-In Model: No Option (auto add)

  5. Form Data Source: Webform

  6. Target ESP: Campaign Monitor Transactional Email

  7. SAVE

  8. Find the configuration you were just working on in the list and select Edit on the right-hand side. You’ll need to finish setting up the configuration.

  9. API Key: Fill in your client’s API Key from under Client Settings in Campaign Monitor. Once added, click into the white space and let the form update.

  10. Smart Email Template: Form: Contact Us

  11. Map your fields with Campaign Monitor. Here are a few examples:

    1. Email Address/Subscriber ID: Email

    2. PagePath: Page Path

    3. ArrivalDate: Arrival Date

    4. DepartureDate: Departure Date

    5. Adults: Adults

    6. Children: Children

    7. Properties: Listing of Interest

    8. ArriveDate: Arrival Date

    9. DepartDate: Departure Date

    10. Comments/Requests: Comments/Questions

  12. SAVE

    Repeat these steps for any other forms you would like to configure.

  13. Now you need to test! Remember that these forms are going to go straight to the client, so be sure to make it clear that you are a Bluetent employee and only testing the forms.

    1. You will normally want to do 2 tests to make sure the email that comes through to your inbox and looks good AND to make sure your subscribe options work correctly.

  14. If everything goes smoothly, then you are all done! Just remember to delete all of your test emails from CM! You don’t want tons of emails being sent to you because you forgot.