Property Review Response Transactional Email


Not every website has property reviews enabled.

Purpose of the Review Response

  • Send an automated email thanking guests for their review.

  • Let guests who leave 1-3 star reviews know their comments will be directed to the appropriate parties.

  • Encourage guests who leave 4-5 star reviews to leave a positive review on another channel (Google, Yelp, etc.) and make it easy for them to do so using dynamic content.

Creating Your Review Response Email

  1. Build your transactional email that includes two versions:

    1. One version for 1-3 star reviews

    2. One version for 4-5 star reviews

  2. Duplicate that first version 3 times (one for 1, 2, and 3 stars).

  3. Duplicate that second section 2 times (one for 4 and 5 stars).

  4. Bookend each message with ‘if statement’ verbiage:

    1. [if:stars=1] > [endif], [if:stars=2] > [endif], etc.

    2. Example:

‘If statement’ example from Carolina Shores

5. You can use other dynamic content, like “Property Name” and “Comments,” to build out the rest of your email and make it more personal/relevant.

Connecting Email to Property Review Forms (Pro & Cloud)

  1. Visit your client’s website, log in to the site, and head to a property page.

  2. Scroll down and click on “Reviews.”

  3. Click on the “Leave a Review” button.

  4. Scroll down and select “Add NEW Lead Form ESP Integration.”

  5. Fill out the fields:

    1. Administrative title: property_review_transactional (or whatever naming convention you use)

    2. Form ID / Pattern: rc_core_item_review_frontend_form (this should auto-populate)

    3. List Opt-in Model: No Option (auto add)

    4. Form Data Source: ResCMS Review Form

      1. You may need to enable the rc_leads module to get this to show.

      2. If this is not available to select or doesn’t work after being enabled, you will need to submit a case to Support and have them add this customization. I submitted a recent one for Carolina Shores Vacation Rentals.

    5. Target ESP: Campaign Monitor Transactional Email

    6. Save, then go back into your form.

    7. API Key: [enter the client’s API Key]

    8. Smart Email Template: [select your Review Response email]

    9. BCC: [fill this out if you want anyone to receive a copy of this email]

    10. Map Drupal Form Fields to ESP List Demographics:

      1. I map the following fields:

        1. Guest Email

        2. Guest Name

        3. Property


        5. Rating

    11. Save.

    12. Test both versions of your email. So, do a test for 1-3 stars and one for 4-5 stars.