Closing Out an Email Account

This is a “Thing to Remember” guide when a client cancels and an account needs to be closed out. Some of these items can be skipped depending on what is set up in the client’s account.

Note: These are not in any specific order. Some of these (like exporting lists) can be done on the client’s last day with Bluetent.

Table of Contents:

Misc Items

  • If they have not already done so, the client will need to fill out the Cancellation Notice form:

  • Get with the client to go over everything that needs to happen when closing out an account.

  • Google Analytics Email Marketing Dashboard / Google Data Studios: Turn off monthly notifications.

  • Turn off Guest Portal sync from V12/Escapia -> CM.

    • Head to your client’s profile in Guest Portal and UNcheck the Is Active box towards the top. Scroll to the bottom and press save.


  • Remove Sumo Subscription

    • Head to Billing and click the grey Remove Site button next to the client's site name.

    • A full-width “Unattach This Site” popup will appear. Select the Yes button in the bottom right-hand corner.


  • Unpublish Survey Tool


  • Newsletter Sign Up on site: turn off sync with Campaign Monitor.

    1. All you need to do is remove the ESP integration with Campaign Monitor. This way, they are still able to use this form and capture email addresses on their site.

    2. If they don’t have a site with us, just remind them to update the signup to go to their new site.

  • Remove any Newsletter Sign Up Checkbox that is on the site (ex: checkbox on Contact Us, Vacation Rental Inquiry form, Sharing, etc.).

    1. All you will need to do is remove the ESP Integrations into Campaign Monitor, or just remove the API information from the ESP Integrations.

    2. Cloud Site: The easiest way to do this is to head to Structure in the Main Nugget Nav -> Bluetent ESP Forms.

      1. On all ESP integrations you created you will want to click the drop-down and select Disable.

  • Remove any Transactional Email that is being sent from the site (ex: Contact Us auto-reply, Vacation Rental Inquiry form auto-reply, etc.).

    1. All you will need to do is remove the ESP Integrations into Campaign Monitor, or just remove the API information from the ESP Integrations.

    2. Cloud Site: The easiest way to do this is to head to Structure in the Main Nugget Nav -> Bluetent ESP Forms.

      1. On all ESP integrations you created you will want to click the drop-down and select Disable.

  • Sharing: Need to make sure the API keys are synced back with the generic template (and not their Campaign Monitor branded template).

    1. Since Sharing is built into the backend of all rezFusion sites, you will need to make sure to update the API keys from their personalized Campaign Monitor to the generic Campaign Monitor.

      1. Cloud Site: The easiest way to do this is to head to Structure in the Main Nugget Nav -> Bluetent ESP Forms.

        1. On all ESP integrations you created you will want to click the drop-down and select Disable.

        2. Instead of editing what you already have for Sharing ESP integrations, or creating New ESP integrations, you can simply re-enable the original Nugget Share ESP integrations.

        3. Double-check that all of the settings are correct:

          1. API: ZqPwBSRi/fyJmOjJAdy4AafomUxpgJ+cBXX8K77xBnl4EudIl2nDbC5Xmx1lwVoN7tS2RI/ts0qkm77xhhOS2LRsl5W/8cFDeuhiZw6V77o38hvyQveG28mUWRbuj8F44oXzZ+3zV+NK1giMuwY2CQ==

          2. Smart Email Template: Fusion Cloud Share

          3. Map all needed Drupal Fields

  • Turn of Booking Abandonment

    1. Head to Configuration in the main rezFusion Nav

    2. System

    3. Cart Abandonment Settings

    4. Uncheck the Enable Cart Abandonment Workflow setting

    5. Save Configuration

  • Remove Sumo from the site.

    1. If this is before the newest BTLeads, you will need to get with Support to remove this. If this is after the newest BTLeads, you can just go into the site and remove the Sumo Site ID.

      1. Make sure you are logged into the site

      2. BTLeads in the Nugget nav.

      3. Select SumoMe

      4. Remove the Sumo Site ID

        1. Cloud site and rezFusion Sites: simply removing the Sumo Site ID will not save. You will need to include something in that box in order for it to save. When this happens you can just put in 123 and press save.

  • Remove LiveChat checkbox.

    1. You will need to have the clients LiveChat login or ask the client to remove this.

Campaign Monitor

  • Export both Active and Unsubscribes (separately) from all Campaign Monitor lists and send to the client.

    1. Normally just email address and name, can export more information if they ask for it.

    2. Upload the lists in a new folder under Sharepoint under Email > Old Campaign Monitor Lists.

  • Pause (turn off) all Campaign Monitor automated emails.

  • Remove client login information from Campaign Monitor.

  • Add a “z” in front of the client name.


  • Once all of the above items are completed, submit any time needed for the task and close out all email-related projects by checking the “inactive” box and changing the status from “In Progress” to “Closed”.