Great News for Google Vacation Rentals Listings!

Publish and Unpublishing just got a lot easier for Boost-GVR connections. As of 10/19/22, fully implemented Boost-Google VR users no longer need to contact Support to add or remove listings from Google VR! Read more below


Until now, publishing and un-publishing listings on Google VR was a 2 step process:

  1. Running the Publish or Unpublish action in Boost.

  2. Contacting Bluetent Support so they can send you listings live via Google Ads.

Step 2 has been automated! From now on all you need to do to Publish or Boost-GVR listings is to run the Publish or Unpublish actions in Boost!


  • Boost-Google VR listings are published or unpublished every 4 hours.

  • If you are new to Google VR your implementation specialist will first need to set up your Google Ads group. Once that is done you can publish and unpublish from the Boost Listings Page.

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