Adding Sleeping Arrangements to Listings (Boost New UI)
Boost supports the configuration of sleeping arrangements (room-level bedding descriptions) for both Airbnb and the Boost Partner Network. Boost automatically maps this information for most PM Softwares, however if your sleeping arrangements are not being mapped or are incorrect, you can override them in Boost on the listing level. One important thing to note is that a bedroom is defined as having 4 walls and a door, so any open lofts or pull-out couches will need be configured with the appropriate room type.
Most Property Management Systems send the sleeping arrangements to Boost, so this feature applies to users that either don’t have that functionality in their PMS or if the information isn’t being sent to Boost.
Getting Started
Go to the listing you want to configure sleeping arrangements for. Click Here for instructions on how to navigate Boost.
Adding Rooms and Beds
Click Sleeping Arrangements
2. Click the + sign next Add rooms
3. Select a Room Type and enter a Room Number
Room Type: A bedroom is defined a bedroom as having 4 walls and a door, so any open lofts or pull-out couches will need be configured as beds within a common area or other appropriate option.
Room Number: Each room will be configured individually, so start with your master bedroom. Enter a “1” into this space then move onto the Bed Type. The next Room Number would be “2”.
4. Click ADD BED
Select a Bed Type - Choose the option that is the closest match for the bed(s) in the room.
Bed Count - defaults to 1
If there are 2 double beds in a room you would set the bed type to “Double Bed” then enter in “2” for the Bed Count.
If there are 2 different beds in the room, then click ADD BED again to add a different bed type to the room.
5. Click SAVE on the right side
Need to add more than 1 room?
Click the + sign next to Add Rooms to add another room until all the sleeping arrangements have been completed.