Partner Network - Minimum Content Requirements

This article outlines the minimum listing requirements for your properties to be published on the Partner Network and Partner Network connected OTAs/Sales Channels.

Partner Network Listing Requirements

Photo Requirements

  • At least 10 images are required

  • Photos must be at least 1024×683 pixels, however 1024×768 pixels or larger is the recommended minimum.

  • No watermarks, company logos, or people’s faces can be visible in any photos 

  • Photo captions cannot exceed 255 characters (specific to HVMB)

  • Photo captions cannot include: Company name, homeowner name, OTA Names (Vrbo, Airbnb, etc), or policy info that conflicts with OTA policies.

Content Requirements

Property Headline/Name:

  • Headlines/names must be no less than 8 characters and no more than 70 characters. If they exceed 70 characters Boost will automatically truncate them which may result in a less than optimal appearance on the live listing.

  • Cannot contain a phone number (or no more than five consecutive numbers)

  • Only contains letters (any language), numbers, or the following symbols: ! # & ` ' " - ,

  • All letters cannot be uppercased

Property Type

  • A property type must be set on each listing.

  • Studios are not accepted- All properties must have at least one bedroom and one bathroom.

Property Descriptions

  • All properties must have a description entered

  • Cannot include the Company name in descriptions or mention any OTA (ex: Airbnb)

  • Max of 40k characters 


  • All listings must have a complete address including: Street address, City, State, Country, Zip, as well as

  • Must include accurate Latitude/Longitude coordinates

Sleeping Arrangements / Bed Info

  • Bed info must be present on each listing.

  • Bed occupancy must match the total occupancy of the listing. This can be configured in your PMS or configured in Boost.

  • Max occupancy for your listing will be determined by the occupancy of your bed count. Ex: A queen bed holds 2 people. If you have 2 queen beds listed in your bed configurations/sleeping arrangements, your listing will show an occupancy of 4 people.


  • At least 5 amenities must be enabled per property

Policy Requirements

Check-in and Check-out

  • Listings must have a Check-In (start) and and Check out time set

Days Before Arrival:

This is the # of days before arrival that the guest should contact the host. Note: If you are unsure how to set this, we suggest matching your booking lead time.

Cancellation Policy:

  • At least one cancellation policy rule must be setup per property.

Payment Methods

Listings must have at least one payment method selected

Availability Requirements

Minimum of 30 days of availability is required within the next 365 days.
More Specifically, listings must have at least 3 consecutive days of availability (and pricing), and 30 total available days (with pricing) in the next 365 days.

Channel Specific Requirements

In addition to the Partner Network requirements, each Channel has their own minimum requirements to activate listings on their platform. These are listed below.

Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy

  • Number of Properties: 20 properties is the official minimum however, there are exceptions to this so please contact HVMB to confirm if your account is eligible. 

  • Requirements that need to be confirmed by HVMB directly: During your onboarding to HVMB on the Marriott side you will also be required to provide the items below. These do not need to be configured in Boost. These services will be confirmed directly with HVMB:

    • 24/7 Support

    • Professional Cleaning

    • High-Speed WiFi

    • Kitchen Essentials (such as cookware, dining utensils, microwave)

    • Bathroom Amenities (soap, shampoo, and hairdryer)

    • Premium Linens and Towels - Beds must be made prior to guests arrival

    • In-Unit Washer

    • A TV


  • Hopper only accepts inventory in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico and Caribbean), as long as their currency is USD.

  • Maximum stay length is 28 nights. 

  • All inventory must have a kitchen and a private bedroom.

  • Listings must be available via "Instant Book"

  • Property locations should be within a 20-mile radius of the following city centers. You may submit listings that are outside of these areas, but they may take longer to be approved.

    • Orlando

    • Kissimmee

    • Four Corners

    • Miami/Miami Beach

    • Destin

    • Panama City Beach

    • St. Petersburg

    • Tampa

    • Fort Lauderdale

    • Las Vegas

    • Los Angeles

    • San Diego

    • Atlanta

    • New York

    • Gatlinburg

    • Nashville

    • Chicago

    • Honolulu

    • Houston

    • Myrtle Beach

Additional Info

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