Vrbo/HomeToGo - Custom Cancellation Policy

Vrbo/HomeToGo - Custom Cancellation Policy

This article explains how the Vrbo and HomeToGo Custom Cancellation Policies work.


Vrbo and HomeToGo allow for Custom Cancellation policies to be sent. This can be configured in the Channel Settings or on individual listing(s). It allows for a flat cancellation fee and/or cancellation policy period with percentages.

Custom Cancellation Policies Setup

Go to the Cancellation Policy section of the Channel Settings for Vrbo or HomeToGo.

Select Custom in the Cancellation Policy drop list.

The below fields will appear.

Cancellation Fee Currency

Select the appropriate currency from the drop list.


Cancellation Fee Amount

This is for a flat Cancellation Fee and can be used by itself or in conjunction with Cancellation Policy Periods.


If you enter $250 in the Cancellation Fee Amount – that will be the fee the guest is charged when canceling. If guest has paid in Full, then the Property Management Company would refund the Full Price minus the Cancellation Fee ($250).

Note: If only the Cancellation Fee Amount is entered and no cancellation policy period set, the guest will only be charged the Cancellation Fee amount.

Cancellation Policy Periods

This can be used by itself or in conjunction with the Cancellation Fee.

Number of nights before the check-in and Percentage of the booking amount to be refunded work together. The settings are for when and what percent of the booking amount the client is refunded.

Click the plus sign to add a new Cancellation Policy Period.

Number of nights before check-in is the timeframe the client will receive some kind of refund.

Percentage of booking amount to be refunded is the amount to be refunded before the No Refund period comes into effect.

Example: No refund 30 days or less before check-in would be:

Number of nights before the check-in: 31

Percentage of the booking amount to be refunded: 100%

This means:

If the client cancels 31 days or longer before check-in, then they get back 100%

If the client cancels 30 days or less before check-in, they get No Refund.

Important: Cancellation after the shortest time period before check-in is automatically No Refund.


Scenario 1 - Cancellation Fee Only

Client is only charged $150 dollar cancellation fee.

Cancellation Fee Amount - $150

The Property Management Company will refund everything paid except for $150

Scenario 2 - Cancellation Period Only

Full refund for cancellations up to 12 days prior to check-in.

Cancellation Fee Amount - blank

Custom Cancellations Policy Periods - Values to Enter:

Number of nights = 13

% of refund = 100

o   If the client cancels 13 days or more before check-in – they will received a full refund.

o   If the client cancels 12 days or less before check-in – they will receive nothing.

Scenario 3 - Cancellation Fee & Cancellation Period

$150 Cancellation Fee and No Refund 30 days or less before check-in.

Cancellation Fee Amount - $150

Custom Cancellations Policy Periods - Values to Enter:

             Number of nights: 31

              % of refund: 100

o   If the client cancels 31 days or more before check-in – they only pay $150.

o   If the client cancels 30 days or less before check-in – then No Refund.


Scenario 4 - Cancellation Fee & multiple Cancellation Periods

  • $100 if cancelled 61 days prior to arrival

  • 60 Days or less, 50% refund

  • 30 days or less, 25% refund

  • 14 days or less, No refund

Cancellation Fee Amount - $100

Custom Cancellations Policy Periods - Values to Enter:

Policy Period line 1: Number of nights: 61, % of refund: 100

Policy Period line 2: Number of nights: 31, % of refund: 50

Policy Period line 3: Number of nights: 15, % of refund: 25

o   If the client cancels 61 days or more before check-in – they only pay $100.

o   If the client cancels 31 days to 60 days before check-in – then get a 50% refund.

o   If the client cancels 15 days to 30 days before check-in – then get a 25% refund.

o   If the client cancels 14 days or less before check-in – then get No Refund. (Nothing to enter, this is assumed)

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