Calculating the Boost Price Adjustment

This article will help you determine how much to enter in the Price Adjustment field.


You can add a Price Adjustment in Boost on Rent and Fees to increase the price to cover your Boost and Channel commission. This article will help you determine how much to enter in the Price Adjustment field.

Calculating the Commission

Add your Boost Commission and OTA/Channel Commission together to get the Total Commission percent.

Example: Boost Commission is 4% and the Airbnb Commission is 5%. You have a total commission of 9%.

Calculating the Price Adjustment

The illustration below shows how the mark up and commission are calculated for rent using Base Rent of $1000 and 9% Total Commission.

As you can see, the rent after commission is too low.

In order for you to receive the full rent amount, we need to increase the price markup a little more. Instead of 9%, we'll use 9.89%.

Now the Rent after Commission equals the base rent.

Calculator Download

Download the below calculator for assistance finding your perfect Price Adjustment!

Click the below file to open preview.

Click the download button in the top right to download the Excel file to your computer.

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