VacayMyWay Overview
VacayMyWay Overview
This article provides a basic overview about VacayMyWay and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
- 1 Important Links
- 1.1 Minimum Listing Requirements
- 1.1.1 Minimum amount of properties required to integrate?
- 1.1.2 Minimum Image Requirements
- 1.1.3 Minimum Availability Requirements
- 1.1.4 What is the minimum stay length supported?
- 1.1.5 What is the maximum length of stay supported?
- 1.1.6 What are the fees supported by the OTA?
- 1.1.7 Does this OTA support automated fee creation?
- 1.1.8 Does this OTA support automated tax creation?
- 1.1.9 Supported Amenities:
- 1.1.10 Supported Fees:
- 1.1.11 How are amenities displayed on the OTA listing? If an amenity is not available in the API, will it appear as a null value to guests, or will it be omitted entirely?
- 1.1.12 Does the OTA have Rate Parity Restrictions? What are they?
- 1.1.13 Supported Property Types:
- 1.1 Minimum Listing Requirements
- 2 Frequently Asked Questions
- 2.1 Connection Overview
- 2.1.1 Is the Host required to sign a Contract with VacayMyWay?
- 2.1.2 Does the OTA provide travel insurance to guests?
- 2.1.3 Does the OTA allow the host to charge their own travel insurance? Waiver? Deposits?
- 2.1.4 Does the OTA provide insurance/damage coverage for hosts? Please share details.
- 2.1.5 Does the OTA support Request to book/Quote hold?
- 2.1.6 Does the OTA have a Host Portal?
- 2.2 Content Restrictions
- 2.3 Guest Communication
- 2.4 Onboarding Process
- 2.5 Other FAQs
- 2.6 Notifications
- 2.7 Reservations
- 2.7.1 How do reservation cancellations work?
- 2.7.2 How do reservation modifications work?
- 2.7.3 Does the OTA provide credit card details?
- 2.7.4 Does the OTA offer discounts?
- 2.7.5 How does this impact reservations and Host payout? How are discounts enabled?
- 2.7.6 Does the OTA support PMS provided payment schedules?
- 2.7.7 Does the OTA remit taxes?
- 2.7.8 Data Synchronization
- 2.7.9 What data is synced from Boost to the OTA?
- 2.7.10 What data is updated automatically? ARI (avail, Rates, Inventory) vs Static content -Property's basic information, amenities, description, photos or payment methods
- 2.7.11 Does the Channel manager control property descriptions, other fields or is this generated by OTA algo?
- 2.7.12 Can the user force data to sync/update? Where and how is this done?
- 2.7.13 Does the Channel Manager control Image gallery order?
- 2.1 Connection Overview
- 3 Host Contacts/Resources
- 3.1 Host Support
Important Links
VaycayMyWay- Boost Onesheet: Boost - VacayMyWay Knowledge Base
About VacayMyWay:
Host Sign Up Link:
VacayMyWay Terms & Conditions:
Host Knowledge Base: Boost - VacayMyWay Knowledge Base
Minimum Listing Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
Connection Overview
Content Restrictions
Guest Communication
Onboarding Process
Other FAQs
Is the host emailed/notified by the OTA when anything happens pertaining to: reservation or listing changes?
Does the OTA send a booking confirmation email to the PMC with price breakdown?
Data Synchronization
Host Contacts/Resources
Host Support
Host can get support by emailing info@vacaymyway.com or by chatting with VMW Support at the bottom of their main page here: https://vacaymyway.com/
, multiple selections available,
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