Landing Pages and Custom Landing

Landing Pages and Custom Landing


The intent of this document is to help you understand how to build, and when to use, landing pages and custom landing pages.  This article and video is intended to build on the tools demonstrated by the page builder, and property categories training documents.

Prerequisite Videos and Articles

Before starting to build landing pages or custom landing pages you should understand how to use common page builder elements, and have setup your property categories.

You can find more information about page builder elements here, and an article & video about property categories here.

Table of Contents


Landing Pages

Landing Pages are pages that display all the units that share a common property category.  They are a way to leverage your property category information from within your PMS system.  The process of creating a landing pages begins with setting up your property categories.  

Each Landing Page has two parts. The top header which includes a photo, headline, sub headline and text. Below that, the second part includes a call-to-action button and properties from your property management software. 


  • Landing pages do not support ALL page builder elements.
  • You cannot display multiple property categories on a single landing page.

Example Page

How to build

  1. From the Dashboard of your website, select the Property Categories tab
  2. Check to see if the amenity you want is already listed, if not return to your property category setup 
  3. Under the Landing Page column move the toggle to Yes next to the category you want to create a landing page for
  4. Move to the Landing Pages tab and select the edit.
  5. Configure the page (i.e. header image, sub headline, text, and a menu link). 

Step 1: Select the Property Categories tab

Step 3: Create the landing page by moving the toggle to Yes

Step 4: Move to the Landing Pages tab and select Edit 

Step 5: Configure the page

Custom Landing Pages

Custom Landing Pages allow you to display properties and share information about your company or the area that is helpful for your guests on the same page. You can individually select properties to display on a page regardless of how they are organized within your PMS.  You can also utilize page builder elements while displaying a hand-picked selection of your properties.  Unlike regular Landing Pages, you are able to choose a selection of properties that are not linked through a common Property Category (amenity, location, etc.) via your PMS data. 


  • Custom landing pages are static and need to be maintained within the Rezfusion platform.
  • When adding photos make sure they meet photo size recommendations. See this page for more information: Cloud/Essential Image Sizing.

Example Page

How to Build

  1. Dashboard, select Landing Pages, and then continue on to Custom Landing Pages From the 
  2. Previously created Custom Landing Pages will be listed here. Click Create Custom Landing Page
  3. Build the page just like any other

Step 2: Click Create Custom Landing Page

Step 3: Build the page

Step 4: Select which properties should be included on the page

Page Type Overview Table

The following tables is intended to help you understand the differences between the 3 different page types available within the Rezfusion platform.

ElementDescriptionPagesCustom Landing PagesLanding Pages
Header ImageAn image that can be inserted at the top of the page
Featured PropertiesDisplays and cycles through any properties that have been marked as featured under the "My Properties" section
Text and Sidebar ImageAllows a picture, a block of text, or a picture and block of text to be inserted anywhere on a page
Two Column LayoutAllows for text, images, or both text and images to be displayed side by side
Image BlockAllows an image to be inserted at the top, bottom, or anywhere on a page
Callout GridAllows for 3 images to be displayed side by side - Optionally, the images can be hyperlinked and text can be displayed on or below the images.
WebformsAllow guests to interact with the website in 4 different ways - Contact Us, Call to Action, Newsletter, or Property Inquiry
VideosCan be used to display a Vimeo or Youtube video.
Hand-Selected PropertiesAllows you to pick and choose exactly which properties to display on the page

Properties by CategoryAllows you to display any properties that are configured with a Property Category in the Property Category section of the Dashboard

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