Step 1 - Provide us your COID
Login into Escapia and email your 4 digit ID (COID) displayed at the top right of your Escapia software. We will send this to the Escapia team to activate your Essential channel.
Step 2 - Wait for Confirmation from Escapia
Until Escapia sends you a confirmation request, you will not be able to proceed with steps 3, and 4. This can take up to 3 business days.
Escapia will be contacting you to get connection approval and verify we have necessary signed docs in place.
Step 3 - Activate Essential Website in Network Properties
Now you will need to select the new Essential channel in your Network Partners AND select which properties will be published on your new website. The first step is selecting Essential Website by Bluetent as a Network Partner Channel.
Go to Admin > Setup > EscapiaNET > Network Partners
Place a checkmark next to the Essential, in network partners.
Select the option for Unit Distribution that works for you. Click Save & Continue
Step 4 - Selecting Units to Distribute to Us
Selecting which units to distribute to Bluetent through the Essential channel.
Confirm “Essential Website” is displayed in Network Partners
If it does not appear in the Network Partners list, then you need to go back to Activating Essential Website Channel and be sure to Save & Continue.
Next, expand each property and select Essential Website
Click save & finish to complete the process. Congratulations, you are done!
Email to confirm we see your units.