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This article will provide you with useful links for managing your (BDC) listings on Boost.

BDC Support Contacts

titleClick Here for BDC Support Information

BDC Partner Support:

How to contact support from the Extranet


Follow these steps to send us a message:

  1. Sign in to the Extranet

  2. Click the Inbox menu

  3. Select messages 

  4. Go to the Contact us or Can’t find what you need? section

  5. Click See contact options or Compose new message

  6. Select the relevant topics and subtopics

  7. Compose your message

  8. Click Send message

If you have more than one account, you can access the inbox of each of your properties from your primary account’s Group homepage menu. Here’s how:

  1. Sign in to the group Extranet

  2. Go to the Group homepage menu

  3. Find the property

  4. Go to messages

  5. Go to the Contact us or Can’t find what you need? section

  6. Click See contact options or Compose new message

  7. Select the relevant topics and subtopics

  8. Compose your message

We show up to 50 properties at a time on the Group homepage, so you might need to go through multiple pages if your portfolio is larger.

USA BDC Support Number:

If you cannot access the Extranet you can call the BDC United States Support Line that is open 24/7: 18888504649
Note: You must be able to provide a hotel ID for the listing you have questions on.

Bluetent Boost Help: 

Rezfusion Boost  


Understanding the BDC Extranet:


BDC: How to How to access Guest Credit Card details

Payments by Booking Information:


Cancelling an Reservations as a Host:;label=New_English_EN_CAUS_5496343225-yaIim2Lj5r3PNR2Ve93JJwS73336483945:pl:ta:p1:p2:ac:ap:neg;ws=&gclid=CjwKCAjw-8qVBhANEiwAfjXLrirngNASPPPqx1-mHmUd-XiVpKgappCtfRJbeEhx-R7E6_IjKwdl8RoCPt8QAvD_BwE

How to add information to the “Fine Print” section on the Extranet

Requiring a Photo ID verification for reservations

First turn on the requirement in BDC Basics in Boost to require a Guest Address and Phone number. requires a traveler to provide identification prior to placing their booking.

Best Practice: Add a note “In Person ID requirement” in the BDC Extranet in the "Fine Print" area. 

Guide on Commission

Viewing commission information for individual reservations

You can see reservation-level details like how much commission is due or how much has already been paid for any particular invoice by viewing your Reservation statements in the extranet.
