Client Instruction to Activate Bluetent in HSAPI

Once you have decided to share your property data with Bluetent, you will need to contact the V12.Net Support team and ask them to Activate the correct Bluetent channel for HSAPI. It's important to request the correct channel for the V12 Support team.

Follow the instructions below to submit a ticket:

Submit a ticket to HomeAway Support (Distribution → Email)

V12 Support should communicate back to you once they have completed this step. You can double check to see it if the correct Bluetent channel is activated by looking to see if that Bluetent channel appears in the Partner Picker list. Once it appears please follow the next steps.

Client Instruction to activate Bluetent in Partner Picker and assign the API calls.

Open the Partner Picker in your software as follows:

For V12, click on Administration > Partner Picker as shown:

As a modular feature, the partner picker will look the same in both systems, shown here:

* Locate BlueTent and click Manage Partner button.

* When the “Edit Permissions” page loads, check the Enabled box at the top of the page:

* Next you need to enable all of the API Calls listed on the Manage Partner Page. Click on the Checkbox above “Reservations” and all of the API Calls will be enabled:

* Now scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save.

Once saved, BlueTent should have the access necessary to begin working with your property and reservation data.

For additional assistance, please contact your software support group.

Please note there are two other permissions that can be granted to Bluetent. They are: Can Access Unit Addresses and Can Access Unit Door Codes. At this time you do not need to grant those permissions, but they could be useful in the future. This is what the screen looks like: