Streamline Custom Quote (hash) Setup

Streamline Custom Quote (hash) Setup

Streamline users who send email quotes to guests will create a bookable list of units on your website with Hub Custom Quote.


There are three things you need to do to start using the custom quote feature in Streamline.

  1. Create a page on your website at https://YOURDOMAINHERE.com/custom-quote

    1. Be sure the path is /custom-quote

    2. Do not have a deeper path like /vacation-rentals/custom-quote, or have an extension like /custom-quote.html

  2. Add your Hub script to the page

    1. Be sure to use the ID=custom-quote

    2. This is the same script as your search page or details page, with just the ID=-custom-quote change.

<div id="custom-quote"> <script src="yourscripthere.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </div>


3. Generate a Custom Email Quote from Streamline for yourself to test.

The link in the email should be: https://YOURDOMAINHERE.com/custom-quote/?hash=blablablabla

If is it not, be sure your website domain is setup in Streamline.

If it is, clicking the link should load on your website the custom quote(s) you generated.