Configure User Permissions

Configure User Permissions

Users within Hub are managed with Auth0. Auth0 is a single sign-on authentication service. You may login (if you have a user) and manage user access levels, and create new users, in Auth0: https://manage.auth0.com/dashboard/us/test-bluetent/users


The following user roles exist within Auth0:




More can and should be created to improve granular access to certain aspects of the platform.


The Larry/Hub API, internally, has the following roles matched to the related permissions:

Organization Admin

'admin:organization' 'read:item' 'refresh:item' 'create:engines' 'read:engines' 'refresh:engine' 'update:engines' 'delete:engines', 'create:channels' 'read:channels' 'update:channels' 'delete:channels' 'create:rules' 'read:rules' 'update:rules' 'delete:rules' 'create:categories' 'read:categories' 'update:categories' 'delete:categories' 'create:users' 'delete:users' 'update:users' 'read:users' 'read:organizations'

Organization Manager

'read:item' 'refresh:item' 'create:engines' 'read:engines' 'refresh:engine' 'update:engines' 'create:channels' 'read:channels' 'update:channels' 'delete:channels' 'create:rules' 'read:rules' 'update:rules' 'delete:rules' 'create:categories' 'read:categories' 'update:categories' 'delete:categories' 'read:organizations'


Superusers should be limited or phased out entirely; instead replaced with granular administrative privileges. For now, however, any user with the following roles is treated as a superuser and can do everything within Hub and the frontend WordPress sites with a Hub connection.


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