Specials & Discounts

Specials & Discounts

Specials & Discounts allows you to apply a promo code from your PMS or communicate already discounted rates to the guests.



Important! Specials and Discounts are only available on Rezfusion Cloud. Essential users must upgrade to use this feature.


There are two ways to create a special in your website:

  1. Properties on the website require a promo code to get the special.

    • You will create an exact match of a promo code you setup in your software and it will be automatically applied for your guests on your website.

  2. The properties are already discounted and don’t require a promo code.

    • You have already reduced the rates in your software but want to communicate that saving to a guest. *No promo code or savings will show on the detailed quote, but in search results guests will see that they are saving money on the booking.

Create a new Specials & Discount

Only one special can be active at a time.

Login to your website dashboard

Content Manager > Specials & Discounts

Click Create Special on the top right

Enter the below fields

Special Name

Enter a name for the Special - this is not displayed to the guest.


Types of Specials

Option 1 Promo Code: A Promo Code must be setup within your PMS before you add it to your website specials. The savings will show in the quote to the guest and the promo code will automatically be applied.

  • Enter the promo code into the Promo Code field, exactly as created in your PMS.

Option 2 Discounted Rates: The rates are already discounted within the PMS. No promo code or savings will show on the detailed quote. Banner and quote details will advertise a generic special on the property.



Select the Type of Discount


Option 1 Promo Code: Ensure the selections match your promo code data, in your PMS.

Option 2 Discounted Rates: Select the flat amount or percent of the discounted rates in your PMS. Choose per stay for the Basis.


Banner text for display

Add text to be displayed on the banner.

MAX 12 characters


Banner text will only appear when a guest searches for dates that coincide with valid booking & stay dates.




Special Description

Add additional details about the special.

MAX 100 characters


Valid Booking and Stay Dates

Option 1 Promo Code: Ensure the selections match your promo code data, in your PMS.

Option 2 Discounted Rates: Enter the Booking and Stay dates the guests can choose to receive the special discount.

Ex: Guests may book Dec 1-2021 thru May 31-2022 for stays in May 2022.

Advanced Stay Rules


Option 1 Promo Code: Ensure the selections match your promo code data, in your PMS.


Option 2 Discounted Rates: Enter the desired values in each field.


Participating Properties



Option 1 Promo Code: Ensure the selections match your promo code data, in your PMS.


Option 2 Discounted Rates: You can select all, or specific units for participation in the special.



Click SAVE at the bottom of the page.

You have created the Special!


You must turn the special on to see it!

Turn a Special On/Off

Click on the Inactive / Active text to turn on or off the special.

Testing the Special

Go to your website search page and search the dates the special is active.


Option 1 Promo Code Only

Click on a property to generate a quote. Confirm the promo code is automatically applied and the discount is showing. If not, confirm your promo code is working in your PMS and it matches the special setup in your website.


Option 2 Discounted Rates

You will see the banner on the listings.





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