Notification Banner

Notification Banner

The Notification Banner is a banner message that shows at the top of the website, which is useful for weather information that will impact travel, flash sale info, or anything else you want to call attention to.  

To navigate to the Notification Banner, sign into your website and click Notification Banner under the Property Manager section of your Dashboard.


  1. Select the Enabled Notification Banner button.

  2. Next, you can select Show as an alert which will make it larger and a different color. NOTE: We recommend reserving this for emergency alerts.

  3. Choose the Frequency: You can choose to show this to people on every visit, or every day, every 7 days, and so on, depending on the nature of the message.  

  4. Choose the Banner Visibility: Choose if it only shows on the homepage, or the entire site.  

  5. Notification Banner Message: Write a message to display and include hyperlinks to property pages or other informational pages if necessary. 

  6. Click the Save Configuration button on the bottom of the page - you have now created your Notification Banner!