Booking.com - Price Per Person Instruction (Boost Original UI)

Booking.com - Price Per Person Instruction (Boost Original UI)



  1. Property must be in XML: Being Built Status (at minimum)

  2. Property Rate Plan IDs: Collect all active rate plans for the unit. (Ex: Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

  1. Login to Rezfusion Boost  

  2. Navigate to the property you plan to configure.

  3. Select EDIT button for the property.

  4. Click BDC Basics in left bar and scroll to BDC Price Per Person (almost all the way to bottom).

  5. Click ADD ANOTHER ITEM button. This will expand the section

  6. For EACH rate type (Daily/Weekly) that you have extra occupancy fees for do the following

  7. Enter Rate Plan ID- Reference weekly and daily IDs a few fields further up on the page…

  8. Enter Default Guest Count- This is the total occupants included in the BASE RENT

  9. Additional Guest Pricing- For each additional occupant over the Default count do the following…

    1. Enter next guest count

    2. NOTE: If default is 6 the next ‘additional guest count’ would be 7.  You’ll need adjust for each additional count up to your max occupancy or whenever you stop charging.

    3. Enter the price type- Flat or %

    4. Enter Price amount- This is what Flat Rate or percent value to ADD on for this guest.

    5. Repeat as needed up to your max occupancy or when you don’t charge any more additional cost.

  10. Click ADD ANOTHER ITEM in additional pricing section. This will expand a new row of fields

  11. Repeat for other rate types if needed

  12. DON’T FORGET to click SAVE LISTING at the bottom of the page to submit your updates.

  13. Repeat for other properties that need adjustment.

  14. General Daily and Weekly Example Below