Are your listings actually live on Airbnb?


Listings that are new to Airbnb require 2 Actions in Boost to be sent live: Import/Sync and Distribute

If you publish a listing without running Import/Sync, your listing will not be sent live on Airbnb. You will see a green check mark in the Active on Channel column but there will be no Listing ID.

If your listings are not new to Airbnb they will need to be mapped in Boost to your existing listings on Airbnb. This is usually done in implementation or with Support’s help. Instructions on this are linked here:

Identifying listings not live

In Boost, if an Airbnb listing DOES NOT HAVE a number under the column Listing ID then it is not live.

Instructions to get the listings live

If you have Airbnb properties with Active on Channel green but no Listing ID, then you must run the import/sync for these listings.

Important: this is only for NEW listings being sent to Airbnb. If you need to map your listing - see note at top of article.

Run the Import/Sync action

  1. From the listings page, check the box next the listing(s) you want to send live.

  2. Click Actions, Click Import/Sync, Click Finish

  3. In an hour, check Boost. There should now be a number in the Listing ID column. Click on the Listing ID to see if your listing(s) is live. If the listing still isn’t live after 2 hours, then please submit a support ticket at


Remember to check out the validation column. More information on Validation errors can be found here:

Review the full article on Publishing and Unpublishing listings here: