Featured Properties Training Video and Article

Featured Properties Training Video and Article



Featured Properties allows you to feature your vacation rentals on your website.

How to access Featured Properties:

  1. To begin, login to your website by scrolling to the bottom of your website and click 'Login".
  2. Click on "Dashboard' which is located in the top left of the home page of your website. 
  3. Once you are in the 'Dashboard', click on 'My Properties' which is located under the 'Property Manager' section.

How to feature your properties:

  1.  Once you are in the 'My Properties' section, you will see all of your vacation rentals listed as well as a column titled 'Featured'.
  2.  In order to feature your properties, you must toggle from 'No' to 'Yes' in the 'Featured' column.
  3. Only 3 of your featured properties will display on your website at once, and if you have more than 3 properties selected, it will randomly rotate through the ones you have decided to feature.  Featuring only 1 or 2 properties will result in an awkward gap on your website.

How to view your Featured Properties:

  1.After you have featured your properties, head back to the front end of your website and you will now see your properties featured towards the bottom of your website.