BDC Fee Mapping (Boost Original UI)

BDC Fee Mapping (Boost Original UI)


The Fee Mapping interface in the Boost Original allows you to map the fees from your property management software (PMS) to the available Booking.com (BDC) fee categories. You can also choose to not send a fee and to ad a price adjustment (mark-up) to your fees.

How to get there

  1. Log in to Boost

  2. Click on My Account



  3. Click on Fee Mapping



  4. Finally, select Booking.com Fees



Airbnb connections are no longer managed in the Boost Original UI. Booking.com connections will be managed in the Original UI until they are migrated into the Boost New UI in 2025.

Page Layout/Terms




Fee Price Adjustments

On the top right, the Fee Price Adjustments field allows you to set a single price adjustment that should apply to all the fees on this channel.

Software Fee Name

The first column on the left indicates the name of the fee as it appears in your PMS.

Map to (channel) Fee

The second column contains a series of drop-down lists with the labels available for fees on that channel. The label on this will change to indicate what channel is currently active on your screen.

Price Adj. Override

The fourth and final column provides a field to enter a price adjustment for an individual fee if is different from the Fee Price Adjustments field located on the top right.

Default for any unmapped fee

This row indicates the default fee mapping that should be used for any fees that have not been explicitly mapped elsewhere on the interface.

Booking.com Fee Categories

Pictured below are some of the fee labels available on Booking.com. Each of these items can be displayed to the guest as separate fees based on the label selected. Please note, the fees pictured below are not all inclusive.

Do Not Map to Destination Fee. This fee category has been deprecated by BDC. Any fee mapped to Destination Fee will not be sent.



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