Partner Network - Publishing & Unpublishing Listings

This article outlines the steps for publishing and unpublishing listings on the Boost Partner Network. Listings must be published to the Partner Network and then added to each Partner Network connected channel/OTA.


There are 3 main steps to complete when publishing your listings:

  1. Prepare your listing to be published

    1. Does your listing pass validation confirming that it meets the Partner Network minimum content standards?

    2. Do you need to make edits to your property headlines, add a price-adjustment, or any other configuration changes in Boost?

  2. Publish your listing to the Partner Network

  3. Publish your listing to the desired Partner Network Channel (ex: Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy, Hopper, ETC)

Preparing a Listing to be Published

Its important to make sure your listing(s) is meeting the Partner Network requirements. Also, if you need to add some listing configurations in Boost, we suggest you do this before publishing. Please review ALL of your other property settings in Boost BEFORE publishing it.

Minimum Content Requirements:

Common Configurations added in Boost

  • If you need to make any edits/configurations to your listings in Boost, make sure to do that before publishing. Here are some common examples:

    • Cancelation Policy - Can be set for all listings in Partner Network Channel Settings and on the listing level.

    • Price Adjustments - If you have set a mark-up in Boost on rent and/or fees

    • Headlines/Names: If your property name doesn’t meet the character requirements, you may want to edit it in Boost. Important Note: Partner Network Headlines/Names must be no less than 20 characters and no more than 70 characters. If they exceed 70 characters Boost will automatically truncate them which may result in a less than optimal appearance on the live listing.

Publish to the Partner Network

Things to Remember:

  • If you have recently added new properties in your PMS, they will flow into Boost, but they will NOT be automatically published to the Partner Network and its connected channels (Marriott, Hopper, Etc).

  • You will only be able to successfully distribute listings that have an active PMS status. You will not be able to distribute inactive properties.

Basic Steps to publish:

  • Run Validation on listing(s)

  • Publish to Partner Network

  • Run Import/Sync

  • Navigate to the specific Partner Network channel/OTA (HVMB, Hopper, etc) in Boost

  • Publish the listing to that specific channel/OTA

Step 1. Run Validation

  • Log into Boost here: Rezfusion Boost and navigate to the Partner Network Listings Page.

  • Select Properties: Click the boxes next to the listing(s) you would like to distribute or check the box at the top of top to select all the listings in your current view.

Selecting a few listings :



Selecting all listings:



  • Click the Actions button in the far right of your screen.

  • Click Run Validation on listings.

Validation Errors: Listing must be free of validation errors in order to be published.
You can see validation errors in the Validation column (see image above). If you are using the New Listings View, the Status column will show either All Set No issues, All Set Could Be Improved, or Errors (see image below)

Step 2. Publish to Partner Network

  • Once your listings are showing no errors, select your listing(s), Click Actions, and Click Publish to Partner Network



Step 3. Import/Sync

Great work but you’re not done yet!
Please complete the steps below to publish to the specific Partner Network channel (HVMB, Hopper, ETC)

Publish to the Specific Partner Network Channel

Step 1. Navigate to the Specific Partner Network Channel in Boost (HVMB, Hopper, Etc.)

Step 2. Add Properties

  • Click on the Property Settings tab

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Property

  • Select the specific properties you would like to send to the PN Channel or Select All

  • In the bottom right of the screen click Next and then click Next again to confirm.

Step 3. Boost Runs Final Validation Check:

  • Boost will run a final validation checking the quality of the listings

  • If any of the listings are not valid, Boost will provide a Quality Check report that can be downloaded detailing what issues are present.


Step 4. Publish Properties

  • For properties that ARE ready to publish, you will be given the option to add a channel-specific markup for each of them.

  • You can then Click the Publish properties button. The published properties then enter a Pending status.

  • Note: A green checkmark next to the listing indicates that the listing was successfully sent to the Partner Network Channel. It does NOT necessarily mean the listings is in fact live.

Mission Complete!

Unpublishing Listings on the Partner Network

Before deactivating a listing in your PMS, we highly suggest that you unpublish that listing in Boost to make it inactive on the Channel.

Unpublishing on All Partner Network Channels

Step 1. Select each listing you'd like unpublished by checking the checkbox and clicking the Actions button, then Distribute

Step 2. Select Unpublish from channel from the drop down and click Next

Step 3. On the next screen, click Finish

Step 4. Once the unpublish Job has completed, run the Import/Sync on all unpublished listings.

Unpublishing Listings from a Specific Partner Network Channel

Step 1. Navigate to the PN channel you wish to unpublish the listing from and click Manage Listings

Step 2. Find the listing on the Property Settings Tab

Step 3. Click Manage on the listing



Step 4. Click the three dots under Advanced and click Unlist This Property


Step 5. From the Property Settings page click the three dots next to the listing and Click Remove property